Saturday, November 24, 2007

Watch....Microsoft's Cool Watch!!!

This is the coolest watch from microsoft. As it looks funny,it's function is just more than a watch.You can add your daily programs into this and it also reminds you by the alarm!I think it is useful to our busy life. The three switches remind us about our computer which also looks funny.

I am not sure about the price of the watch.
I am waiting for a watch from apple company.
It might be just ideal for James Bond(lol..).


  1. thatz surely a very different watch...

    the ghost onez taking too long to ipen...cudnt watch it...

  2. lolz!!!

    The CTRL...ALT....DEL watch

  3. Thank god there is CTRL ALT DELETE.... we sure would need that since we have these... But this is just a good image work nothing else... so try not believing in this.

  4. hmmm...but i found in a reliable gadget site...


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