Wednesday, October 24, 2007
How to attend Mock java interview?
Java Interview attended by my friend
Q. What is the difference between an Abstract class and Interface?
A. Terms are different ... nothing more.
Q. What is JFC ?
A. Jilebi, Fanta & Coffee.
Q. Explain 2 tier and 3 -tier Architecture ?
A. Two wheelers like scooters will have 2 tyres and autorickshaws will have 3 tyres..
Q. I want to store more than 10 objects in a remote server ? Which methodology will follow ?
A. Send it through courier.
Q. Can I modify an object in CORBA ?
A. As you wish , I do not have any objections.
Q. How to communicate 2 threads each other ?
A. Non living things can't communicate.
Q. What is meant by flickering ?
A. Closing and opening of eyes at girls.
Q. Explain RMI Architecture?
A. I am a computer professional not an architect student.
Q. What is the use of Servlets ?
A. In hotels, they can replace servers.
Q. What is the dif ference between Process and Threads ?
A. Threads are small ropes. Make a rope from threads is an example for process.
Q. When is update method called ?
A. Who is update method?.
Q. What is JAR file ?
A. File that can be kept inside a jar.
Q. What is JINI ?
A. A ghost which was Aladdin's friend.
Q. How will you call an Applet from a Java Script?
A. I will give invitation.
Q. How you can know about drivers and database information ?
A. I will go and enquire in the bus depot...
Q. What is serialization ?
A. Arranging one after the other from left to right.
Q. What is bean ? Where it can be used ?
A. A kind of vegetable. In kitchens for cooking they can be used.
Q. Write down how will you create a binary Tree ?
A. When we sow a binary seed , a binary tree will grow.
Q. What is the exact difference between Unicast and Multicast object ?
A. If in a society, if there is only one caste, then it is Unicast, else it is multicast .
Labels: Fun
A White woman, about 50 years old, was seated next to a Black man.
Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air Hostess.
"Madam, what is the matter," the Hostess asked.
"You obviously do not see it then?" she responded.
"You placed me next to a Black man.I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group.Give me an alternative seat."
"Be calm please, " the Hostess replied.
"Almost all the places on this flight are taken.I will go to see if another seat is available."
The Hostess went away and then came back a few minutes later.
"Madam, just as I thought, there are no other available seatsin the Economy class.I spoke to the Captain and he informed me that there no seat in the Business class.All the same, we still have one seat in the First class."
Before the woman could say anything, the Hostess continued:"It is not usual for our company to permit someone from the Economy class to sit in the First class.However, given the circumstances,the Captain feels that it would be scandalous to makesomeone sit next to someone so disgusting.
"She turned to the Black guy, and said,"Therefore, Sir,if you would like to, please collect your hand luggage,a seat awaits you in First class."
At that moment, the other passengers who were shocked bywhat they had just witnessed stood up and applauded.
Racism is the worst sin......
Support anti-racism!!!!
Actually I got this story as a forward mail,long back.
But the reason for me to post it now is the recently concluded ODI series between India and Australia....
Symonds a great all rounder(Australian)
Ecstatic Sreeesanth after dismissing Symonds
Mumbai Crowd making monkey taunts against Symonds
These incidents have sparked serious rivalry between India and Australia.
Like the rivalry between England and Australia.....
Like the rivalry between India and Pakistan.....
This is new rivalry in cricket....
But the source for this rivalry being Racism hurts me......
Labels: Cricket corner...
In what language does a child think?
A man in love
Afraid my own hands?
Do you need the tickets for this train to paradise?
Thatz what a self portrait is....
Labels: Arts
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Labels: Fun
Last week my cousin came to my home.He was 4 years old....
He wanted to use with my computer...
I allowed....
When I returned after attending a call.....
I was bewildered.....
This is how my desktop looked :-(
I couldn't find how he managed to change (some) setting. Re-starting Windows didn't help. My friend helped me.
Steps to fix "tilted Windows":
*Right click on the Desktop
*Choose the "Graphics Options" menu
*Choose the "Graphics Properties..." submenu
*In the dialog box, choose the "Rotation" tab
*In the "Rotation Views", choose "Normal" (my cousin somehow managed to change this as "180 Degree"!)
For some reason, my friend was able to make it "Normal" and immediately view the change, I had to re-boot! Anyway, now it is "Normal".
Labels: Windows corner...
Labels: Windows corner...
Labels: Fun
Labels: Controversial issues, World of virus
Did Neil Armstrong really land on moon??
If you say yes....Then read it......
Issue 1 :
Since the Moon has only one light source, the Sun, the shadows must be in line. But in this cases, it looks as if there are multiple light sources in moon, which is not possible.
Issue 2:
The foreground of many images of the astronauts on the Moon are filled in with light, while the shadows remain absolutely black, again proving that there are multiple light sources.
Issue 3 :
There are no stars in the background from pictures taken on the Moon.
Issue 4 :
In some images, a huge light source can be seen reflected in the astronaut's visors. This has to be a very bright, nearby source. There is no possibility of external light source in moon.
Issue 5:
How could NASA take TV images of the LM ascending on Apollo 15, 16, and 17 if there was no one on the Lunar surface to man the camera?
Issue 6 :
There can't be any pictures taken on the Moon because the film would melt in the 250° temperatures. Any film exposed to 250° would indeed melt at that temperature.
Issue 7 :
The LM engine was very powerful. How come it did not leave a crater below the spacecraft? Why didn't it kick up any dust when it landed?
Issue 8:
The footprints left by the astronauts are proof that the Moon landings are fake. This one is also essentially a two pronged argument. First, the Fox show charged that the LM engine was so powerful that the upper layer of dust should have been blown away around the LM, so there should not be any footprints. Others have charged that the footprints should not be there since in the absence of water as a bonding agent, they should not maintain coherent shapes and sharp outlines.
Issue 9:
There is no dust on LM footpads. -- According to Kaysing and Fox, this is the strongest evidence that the Moon landings are faked. They allege that with the swirling dust from LM descent engine, the foot pads should be covered with dust.
Issue 10 :
The pictures below show that flags are waving. And they never will. The flag was on the airless Moon, just as we all knew.
Labels: Controversial issues